
ZDS is actively involved in several international and Slovene projects as the project manager and as a partner. Regularly, we are applying for new projects for foreign and domestic competitions. The projects presented are an important channel of international lobbying and for gaining new knowledge.

A model for measures aimed at reducing the risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases within the workplace health promotion programme

The objective of the project entitled "A model for measures aimed at reducing the risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases within the workplace health promotion programme" is to maintain and enhance employee physical and mental health, improve employee lifestyle and reduce employee risk taking, raise health awareness of employees, employers and the general public and disseminate good practice for management of health-related absenteeism, presenteeism and turnover.

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Negotiation skills training – training of negotiators in collective bargaining

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Following an invitation to tender for co-financing the projects of social partners for the years 2013 and 2014 the Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS) was awarded the project entitled "Negotiation skills training – training of negotiators in collective bargaining" in August 2013. The project is aimed at strengthening the capacities of employers to comprehensively train the negotiators to take into account the importance of all categories of collective agreements in the conclusion of collective agreements and pursue the establishment of a flexible and competitive economy. The project partner is the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia.

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Modernisation of industrial relations through the promotion of collective agreements updating

In the period between August 2013 and August 2014, the ZDS was a partner of the project entitled the »Modernisation of industrial relations through the promotion of collective agreements updating", awarded to the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) on the basis of the Invitation to tender for co-financing the projects of social partners for the years 2013 and 2014. The project was focused on providing appropriate environment for efficient implementation of the European Framework Agreements (EFAs) and European Framework of Actions in the Slovenian social dialogue.

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Girls' day

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Several projects in Slovenia have already addressed different issues concerning women and employment, but only after a problem was already identified (e.g. women seeking first employment, long-term unemployed women, etc.)

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BRIDGE: social partners and intergenerational cooperation in the working environment

In the period between August 2013 and August 2014, the ZDS was involved as a partner in the project entitled the "BRIDGE" (‘MOST’) led by the Representative Trade Union Association of Slovenia. The project associated young and elderly employees and raised their awareness of the importance of cooperation, motivated them for various forms of cooperation and provided tools for better cooperation and mutual learning.

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WIM: workers’ involvement for better and sustainable management in undertakings in Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

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The project Workers’ involvement for better and sustainable management in undertakings in Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia aims to promote the EU law on employee involvement, to increase awareness and understanding of the current situation in the field of employee involvement in order to initiate actions for improvement, as well as to increase knowledge of social partners and the social actors at company level.

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CEE YOUTH: supporting youth employment in central and eastern Europe

One of Europe’s most pressing problems is youth unemployment. At the present time more than 5 million young people in the EU are unemployed. Between 2008 and 2010 the number of young unemployed persons increased by one million . Eurostat figures show that the youth unemployment rate of 22.4% is twice as high as that for the whole working population and nearly three times as high as the rate for the active adult population. Youth unemployment in the candidate Balkan countries is over 60 %; in Spain and Greece it has reached almost 50% and - with the exception of Austria and Slovenia – it is at around 20-30% in almost every CEE country.

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GOFORCHANGE: good practices and strategies for change management

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Dandanes je v podjetjih vse več prestrukturiranj, ki so povezana z rastjo ali preživetjem podjetja. Spremembe se lahko pojavijo v različnih oblikah; lahko so načrtovane ali spontane, včasih se prestrukturira celotno podjetje, včasih pa zaradi reševanja izzivov in uresničevanja možnosti prihaja do sprememb le pri določenih funkcijah ali enotah podjetja.

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Network PROMCR: Network proactive management of change and restructuring

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By analysing current and planned company restructuring strategies in Central European Countries, the project aimed at promoting effective company decision-making on restructuring in order to optimise at the same time the competitiveness of companies in the global economy and workers’ adaptability to change. Knowledge, experience and good practices focused on effective management of restructuring were exchanged through national and transnational partnership for restructuring and skill needs, which would support positive and proactive approach to change.

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