To strengthen social dialogue

The project "To strengthen Social Dialogue", selected on a public tender by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities for co-financing projects of social partners, will strengthen the capacity of the members of the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) to cooperate more effectively in social dialogue processes, with an emphasis on knowledge and enforcement of labour market rights, the acquisition of fundamental and professional competences, and the protection and preservation of health.

The project, which will be implemented by the end of September 2021, is managed by ZSSS in cooperation with the project partner Association of Employers of Slovenia.

The main objective of the project originates from the data of numerous domestic and foreign analyses and research in the field of social partners' competence for effective social dialogue, indicating poor knowledge of laws and policies, lack of information, low level of development of foundations and professional knowledge and competences, poor networking between different stakeholders, and not monitoring labour market trends.

Through project activities we will:

  • strengthen the capacity of employees to work more efficiently with members, in particular in identifying and exercising the rights arising from collective agreements;
  • strengthen the cooperation of the ZSSS with key stakeholders to ensure more efficient use of existing structures and resources. The project will set up ZSSS regional networks that will include key stakeholders that ensure workers' involvement in lifelong learning and health activities at the regional level and employers who will encourage/ensure the involvement of their employees;
  • develop ICT tools that will provide an appropriate professional and information basis for industrial relations and enable employees to identify and enforce the rights arising from collective agreements. We will develop and activate a collective agreements e-database and a mobile work rights application;
  • increase participation in lifelong learning by upgrading the existing e-classroom with new training programs and e-materials. All new training programs will also be implemented in the project, mainly as e-learning;
  • promote the importance of enhancing the skills and competences of employees in social dialogue processes and motivate them to engage.

You can read more about the project here:

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The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund, and the Republic of Slovenia.