IOSHA 2 - Improving the osh (occupational safety and health) awareness of employers and employees in cee

Work-related stress is a growing concern for employees and employers in the Erupean Union. According to the recent surveys (EU-OSHA, Eurofond, IOSHA) stress is the second most frequently reported work-related health problem, and the number of people suffering from stress-related conditions caused or made worse by work is increasing.

Work-related stress has been associated with a number of other ill-health outcomes, such as cardiovascular diseases, musculosleletal disorders, particularly back problems, neck-shoulder-arm-wrist problems (so-called repetitive strain injuries, RSI).

Stress at work is also believed to be a major cost to companies and countries in a wieder sense, as it affect producitivity throuhg absenteeism and presenteeism. Studies suggest that between 50% and 60% of all lost working days are related to stress.

The project IOSHA 2 aims to:

  • provide general information on the causes, effect and cosequences of work related stress, for CEE employers, employees and other stakeholders
  • Indreace awarenes and understanding of employers, workers and their representatives of work-related stress provide tools, training and advice for employers and employees on how to prevent, eliminate or decrease work-related stress
  • Improve work organisation, organisational cultures and leadership practices to promote mental well-being at work, including the reconciliation of work and family life

Planned project activities:

  • National seminars for CEE social partners, employers, employee representatives occupational health and safety experts
  • The main awareness-raising event will be the project final event, the international conference in Budapest, named New challeges od OSH – Stress at work – causes, effects and consequences for employers, employees and occupational safety and helath experts
  • Publishing a leaflet for employers
  • Producing promotional/training films on stress management
  • Improving and national EA's homepage futher

More information on project website.


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The project receives funding from the European Commission.