Bridging the AgeGap – Development of social partners initiatives for managing are related challenges
The Association of Employers of Slovenia is participating in an international project on population aging "Bridging the Age Gap - Developing Social Partnership Initiatives to Meet the Aging Challenges" (AgeGap), which is co-funded by the European Union. Within the project, employers' associations from Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania, Montenegro, and Macedonia will examine policies and practices to meet the challenges of an aging workforce and seek to implement and implement the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Active Aging and Intergenerational approach.
Already over 50s form 25 percent of the current workforce. By 2020 it will be a third. Employers need to make the most of this resource by maximizing the skills and productive contribution of all their workers – younger and older – especially in the current economic climate. Managing an aging workforce needs to develop age-appropriate management policies with related measures. Social dialog on a company level helps to better design and implementing these measures.
The AgeGap project is a basis for the national implementation of the European social partners Autonomous Framework Agreement on Active Ageing and Inter-generational Approach into the region of South-Eastern Europe.
The underlying objectives are:
- to introduce and implement the Framework Agreement 2017 into the countries` social partnership in South-Eastern Europe;
- foster agreement on a national level in/or company level;
- give well-investigated feedback of the differing national aspects.
Especially in South-Central and Eastern Europe implementation of active aging policies, interventions and workplace action are rarely known, this project intent to close a gap to western European standards.
The main focus of this project on the following priorities:
1. Understanding the demographic profile/composition of the workforce by having an intergenerational approach, combining support for younger and older workers to adapt and facilitate to the needs of aging productive and motivated workforce (Intergenerational workforce).
2. The role of the management’s and workers’ representatives linked to human resources practices in business is anticipating and preparing for the future, including developing a strategic vision (Age management).
3. Maintaining employability of the workforce through continuous updating of skills and learning/knowledge transfer (continuing education).
Project Coordinator:
MGYOSZ BusinessHungary
Project partners:
Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS)
Croatian Employers Association (HUP)
National Union of Employers of Slovakia (RUZ)
Confederation of Employers of Romania (CONCORDIA)
Montenegrin Employers Federation (MEF)
Organisation of Employers of Macedonia (OME)
With support by the European social partner organization:
International Labour Office and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe