
ZDS is actively involved in several international and Slovene projects as the project manager and as a partner. Regularly, we are applying for new projects for foreign and domestic competitions. The projects presented are an important channel of international lobbying and for gaining new knowledge.

SEC-CEE - Improving the understanding of the role of sectoral collective bargaining in times of multiple crises in CEE

This project titled as “SEC-CEE Improving the understanding of the role of sectoral social dialogue in the era of multiple crisis in CEE” is the research-project coordinated by the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ BusinessHungary) in cooperation with Slovenian, Slovakian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian and Romanian employers’ confederation, (the national members of BusinessEurope), as well as the oldest Hungarian university, Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), Budapest.

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Recruit4Tomorrow - Encouraging employment of third-country nationals through social dialogue

The Association of Employers of Slovenia won the project "Encouraging the employment of third-country nationals through social dialogue (Recruit4Tomorrow)" at the tender of the European Commission (SocPL), the purpose of which is to examine in detail the labour markets of the participating countries and to look for areas where the needs of the labour markets can be met by employing nationals from third countries. The project will contribute to social dialogue in responding to changes in employment and work-related challenges and will strengthen the capacities of social partners for more effective cooperation in the design and implementation of policies in this area.

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The main purpose of the SmartMOVE project is the preparation of strategies and the implementation of mobility plans, which will justify the need for systematic development of infrastructure for the development of multimodality in the region. Within the project, a system of dynamic collective passenger transport will be developed as a sustainable alternative to existing transport modalities.

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Strong Social Dialogue to facilitate adaptation to change

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In May 2021 the Association of Employers of Slovenia, together with a Norwegian partner, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), launched an 18-month project Strong Social Dialogue to facilitate adaptation to change - SD Change, on social dialogue and collective bargaining. The project is supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Social Dialogue and Decent Work Programme – Slovenia (DW-SD-Slovenia 1174), grant no. 2020/551979. The SD Change project will strengthen the capacity of the social partners to cooperate more effectively in policy-making and the implementation of autonomous normative frameworks that will contribute to the more effective use of development potentials and the maintenance of political and social peace.

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Socially responsible employer - Certificate socially responsible company

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Through planned activities, the project assesses and improves corporate social responsibility of companies and organizations, with a strong emphasis on accountability to employees. Using the principles of sustainable development, the project addresses social and environmental challenges and offers measures to reduce the negative and increase the positive impacts on the economy, society and the environment.

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POLET logotip Barvni


POLET logotip Barvni

The project "POLET: Development of a Comprehensive Business Model for Employers for Active and Healthy Aging of Employees" will develop and implement an innovative comprehensive business model for employers for active and healthy employee ageing in 120 participating companies. The aim of the project is, inter alia, to increase the awareness and better informedness of employers and employees and to improve the capacity of employers to implement measures in this field. This will reduce the length of sick leave and prolong work activity.

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Negotiation School 2

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The project “Negotiation skills training – training of employers for Social Dialogue (Negotiation School 2)”, selected by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to co-finance projects for social partners, will strengthen the capacity of social partners to cooperate more effectively in the formulation of public policies and the adoption of autonomous normative frameworks that will contribute to a more efficient use of development potentials and to the maintenance of political and social peace.

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Decent work

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In August 2017, the Association of Employers of Slovenia launched two five-year projects for the promotion and implementation of decent work, which were selected by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities to co-finance projects Supporting Labor Market Stakeholders.

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Training of Employers for the Promotion of Safety and Health at Work

eVZD Logotip brez slogana obrezan

The Employers Association of Slovenia participates in the project »Training of Employers for the Promotion of Safety and Health at Work (e-VZD)«, co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and the Republic of Slovenia. Within the project, concrete job adjustments will be made in one of the five most exposed economic activities by the number of accidents at work.

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Bridging the AgeGap – Development of social partners initiatives for managing are related challenges


The Association of Employers of Slovenia is participating in an international project on population aging "Bridging the Age Gap - Developing Social Partnership Initiatives to Meet the Aging Challenges" (AgeGap), which is co-funded by the European Union. Within the project, employers' associations from Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania, Montenegro, and Macedonia will examine policies and practices to meet the challenges of an aging workforce and seek to implement and implement the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Active Aging and Intergenerational approach.

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