Association of Employers of Slovenia is the first voluntary employers' association in Slovenia, which represents and connects employers since 1994.
Read moreYou can find all you need to know about ZDS in one place. Besides basic information about the association (management, organisational structure), we have also prepared more information about the functioning of ZDS through the section and commissions and information about the membership of ZDS in international organisations.
Association of Employers of Slovenia is the first voluntary employers' association in Slovenia, which represents and connects employers since 1994.
Read moreThe current Acting President is Mr. Trobiš, Secretary General of Association of employers of Slovenia is Mr. Smrekar.
Read moreIn this part you can find the organisational structure of ZDS.
Read moreIn 2008, eleven sections have been renovated and designed in accordance with the standard classification of activities to operate within ZDS.
Read moreThe association has five permanent commissions, whose main task is to identify and draw attention to problems and design views of employers for individual areas of interest.
Read moreZDS is a full member of BUSINESSEUROPE, a member of Business at OECD and a member of CEE Initiative.
Read moreSome important news about ZDS activities.
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