The Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS) is the first voluntary economic association in Slovenia representing and protecting the interests of employers.

Since 1994, various companies have united in this Association whatever their size, form of ownership, or activity.

In the private sector, a half of all employees are employed by more than thousand members, representing over a half of total capital in Slovenia.


Being a member of the Association of Employers of Slovenia brings many advantages! Do not hesitate, join us!

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For members only

+386 1 563 48 80

Every working day between 10.00 and 12.00 h.


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Joint Declaration of the Central and Eastern European Initiative (CEEI) on an Industrial Policy for a Sustainable and Competitive Europe

The employers’ associations of Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia express our full support for a comprehensive, streamlined EU industrial strategy to complement the European Green Deal and to support strategic, resource- and energy-intensive industries in Europe in the current multifaceted crisis.

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